Tuesday, August 29

I have been reminded by the lovely Briony, that it is only 8 weeks until our Birthday! (this year is going way to fast!!)

Last year I was 83 kilo's on my birthday. My goal for this year is to be down to at least 78 kilo's. I would be totally thrilled!! I want this to be the last year, ever, being in the 80's - I want to say goodbye forever!
To do this I need to lose an average of 400g a week - which I think is very attainable. I CAN do this!!

Things have been going fine this week - I still had a hard time on the weekend, we had some unexpected visitors from Tassie come to visit - and they brought a yummy cake to have with coffee. Then we all went out for dinner. It was nice to see them, it had been a few years ... and it was only one day of eating to much - I have been really good since! so I am not going to stress about it!!

I have been keeping an eye out to see how Jodie is going, hopefully bubs will be here really soon... very exciting!!

Hope everyone is having a great day:)

Friday, August 25

This week I lost 300g, which makes 5 losses in a row, which I am really happy about!

My main problem lately is too much snacking on weekends - so this week I aim to be more 'aware' of my eating like I do Mon-Wed. I am very close to being out of the 80's... so I just wanna do my best to get there!!

Because I'm a little scared that something may trigger me to go back to old eating habits, I have got out my healthy/diet books to give me a boost of motivation: I always feel so motivated reading about people who have succeeded (thats why I love reading all your blogs!)
This week I have been reading 'Make the Connection' with Oprah and her trainer Bob Greene. Many of the changes they suggest I do already - but one thing that I have picked out from the book is to exercise with more intensity. Bob says that doing 20 mins at a higher intensity is better than an hour on the treadmill - just cruising ( which I have been doing) - so I will be upping the intensity this week!

Something that excited me this week (it doesnt take much...lol)
A few years ago I did lite-n-easy for a few weeks (got to expensive) and my favorite meal was 'Thai yellow chicken curry'. Every so often I think about going back on the program - just for that meal! I was excited to find that weight watchers has a new meal 'Yellow chicken curry' which I had for tea the other night - which was just as yummy as the original (and it had more vegies in it) So I have brought another one this week:)

I was watching A Current Affair last night and they were talking about a new book Healthy Parent/Healthy Child which looked really interesting - from what I can understand it is written by weight watchers, but it is about getting the family healthy - it is supposed to be in most bookstores, so I will be interested in having a look. As the mother on the show said 'I don't want my kids growing up worrying about weight issues like she did' - She had been overweight as a child up to her 20's!
I don't want my boys having to deal with all this stuff either - especially since there are quite a few of larger people on both my side and Vic's side of the family!

Today Jason and Luke had to Dress Up as a favorite book character - they both went as Harry Potter - here are some photo's we took before they went to school:-



Friday, August 18

Week 10!!

It has been 10 weeks since I started tracking my food everyday, getting serious about my weightloss and exercise. This is the first time I have stuck continuely to exercise for this long. I have heard that it takes 6 weeks to form a new habit. I think it's true as exercise doesn't seem like the 'chore' it used to be. I don't try to find excuses to put it off anymore. It is just part of my day. I even exercised both days last weekend - another 1st for me!!

This week I lost 500g - (I am 1.7 away from being in the 70's!!)

after weigh in I met my sister, and my
little nephew for lunch at a pizza/pasta resturant that I used regularly frequent a few years ago.
I used to order a entree gnocchi carbonara, and could have sides as well. Yesterday I could only get through 1/2 of the meal.
(and I had not even had breakfast!) - I ended up feeding most of the meal to my nephew!

To celebrate my loss I brought myself a pair of jeans - they were reduced to $20 then at the register they came to $15... love
a bargin. I have to get them put up (the short arse that I am..lol) so I wont pick them up to next week.
I've had a rule lately about not buying any more clothes until I lose more weight - but at the moment I am living in daggy trackie pants at home - and if I venture out I only have one pair of good pants that fit nicely. I have realised that lately feeling daggy has stopped me from doing things - like I just wait for the kids in the car when they get out of school instead of going in if I am looking
daggy! On the other hand, it has stopped me popping into the milkbar for chocolate during the week:)

I hope everyone has a great weekend - Luke is staying at a friends house tonight, so it will be nice and quiet with only one child at home:)

Sunday, August 13

Well the boys had a great day learning footy skills with the Essendon football guys - the whole team was there except for Hird and Loyd!

Jason was so excited to meet and talk to his idol - Jason Jonhson!!
It was nice that he took the time to talk and he also signed the boys scarf's and books - and posed for a photo:)

At the end all the guy's stayed for ages and signed autographs for everyone - Jason got everyone on his football, both the boys got their books signed as well:)

The boys are still on a high...lol

Friday, August 11

I lost 400g at weigh in this week - which I am very happy with!! - only 3 kilo's to go till I'm out of the 80's :)

The last few days I have been really good with the exercise - And I am planning to continue, as I don't really lose when I don't exercise!

Tommorrow we are going down to the Essendon football club - Jason and Luke have a auskick footy clinic, and they get to meet some players...they are so excited!
It will be nice to go back there - before we moved up here we used to spend alot of time at Windy Hill, since all Hubby's mates are one eyed supporters (unfortunately I will miss out on a sleep in as we have to leave home at 9am:(

I've been tagged by Lou - I will have to go and have a think..... I will be back:)

The people that have been tagged need to write in their blog about 5 weird things/habits and then tag 5 more people - you need to leave them a message to let them know they are 'tagged':)

I will tag.... Margaret, Michelle, Briony, Jodie and Mary

Ok I have thought about it:

1. I have four brothers and three sisters aged between 31 and 3 - but I am really an only child.

2. I love ironing!! I just love watching the creases smooth out:)

3. I hate clutter!! I like things put in their place - but I really hate doing housework!

4. I hate nuts, I can't even use the same knife that has been used in peanut butter...eeeewww - but I love satay sauce, and snickers bars:)

5. I have known my husband since I was 4 years old!

Monday, August 7

Vic is feeling much better, although still a little tender!

It's a weird feeling that there will definetly be no more babies - We both don't want any more, we are way past the baby thing - but sometimes when you all talk of your pregnancies or I see the baby photo's - I think...maybe, ....which pretty quickly turns into NO!
- the fact it is final is a little sad:)

On to brighter things - have worked out a proper exercise plan, and have stuck to it today! - We went out for dinner twice over the weekend and it was not diet friendly, so I really need stick to it and eat like an angel the next few days (and hopefully have a small loss - or stay the same)
The last few days for lunch I have been making a 'salad' - lettuce, tommato, onion, red cabbage with a little kraft free ceaser dressing topped with 1 chopped rasher of bacon, and a chopped egg ( I am really loving eggs at the moment, we have chooks so they are nice and fresh, and free) It ends up a huge bowl - is so yummy and really fills me up! - today I tried it with kraft free mayo instead, but it wasnt as nice! - maybe I will try some mustard next time:)

Well hubby just got home - see you all later:)

Saturday, August 5

I lost 600g this week...I am a very happy chicky at the moment!!

I have to keep this short - Hubby went and had a vesctomy yesterday, and is very sore - now I have to play nurse - it will be a very quiet weekend!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend - it's nice and sunny here today!

Will post more when Vic is feeling better:)

Wednesday, August 2

I hadn't realised that it had been this long between post's!!
We had a pretty busy weekend with Luke having his friend stay for their first sleep over - they were quite loud..and had a great time!

Last week at weigh in I stayed the same which is pretty good - but I have hovered around the same number for a few weeks now....that needs to change!!

I have had Vic at home on Monday and Tuesday, as he had to get a few tests done at the doctors - he is waiting for results (it's nothing serious) but he is getting stressed out with the waiting - which has got me a little stressed because he is - does that make sense!
With him being home, it's been hard getting all the excercise in - I have made plans to make a bigger effort next week:)

Well I will post my loss tommorrow (fingers crossed)
Hope everyone is having a great week - I have read alot of posts - but not really had time to comment:)