Tuesday, July 25

After a really foggy morning it's now a lovely sunny day here,
This is the view from the window of my computer room;

Having the sun out really boost's my mood!!

I would like to send a huge thankyou to ChubbyMum for being a 'sounding board' in the past few days - especially with the 'issue' I've been having with my Dad
I hope you are feeling much better - and that you had a proper rest yesterday:)

She has encouraged me to talk about what I am feelings, instead of keeping it all in (and making me go crazy...lol) - and it has really helped make my head feel so much clearer...does that make sense??
..On that note, I will let you know what has ben going through my head lately to make me feel blah...
I started 'again' to get serious about weightloss 6 weeks ago, the reason was that I had got up to 87 kilo's which really scared the beejeezes out of me - especially knowing that I got to 75 kilo's around my 30th birthday! - that was also the same time that Nan died ~ so it was a time of alot of stress and emotional eating.
But getting on the scales at 87 kilo's really gave me a wake up call that if I didn't do something the numbers would just keep going up and up!! Which has made me put more effort in - alot of my clothes were/are tight and looked horrible with rolls showing - and some tops didn't even fit anymore, so my wardrobe has been getting very dull. At the moment it's mainly down to daggy trackies and loose tops. In the last 6 weeks I have got down to 83.5 kilo's - I should be happy (I am that the numbers are going down) but I am still feeling very fat and frumpy, I don't feel like going out looking like this - which is a tad depressing!

I would have loved to go meet all the bloggers in the city last weekend - the main reason I didn't go was because of how I am feeling about myself, and what I percieve others will think about me ( did I mention I'm also very shy!) - very silly I know!

The fact that nothing much has been happening workwise isn't really boosting my self esteem either. Tommorrow I am starting a vounteer job at school working in the office on wednesdays while one of the office girls is on leave - which will be fun:)

Now that I have got all that out - I am feeling more motivated to exercise and get this weight down - so I can feel better about ME and my appearance, then when the next meet is arranged I won't be as scared to go!!

If you have read down this far you deserve a medal...lol

Hope all are having a great day:)

Monday, July 24

It was a pretty quiet weekend here~
I spent most of Saturday helping Jason make a game about whales for a school project. He did it using my scrapbooking stuff - it turned out quite well:) Now he has the bug..lol...he wants to make one about cars next:)
Here's a picture;
I wasn't feeling to well Saturday night/most of Sunday - I had a headache, felt dizzy and nausea. So no exercise done. I did do some comfort eating - but I didn't go stupid, which means my weight is sitting about the same as I was on Thursday. So if I work hard the next few days I should record a loss...fingers crossed xx

Well Now I have to go do all the housework that I avoided over the weekend:)

Thursday, July 20

Wow all of us blogger's are such a great supportive community!! I really feel like giving you all a big hug through the screen! I wish I could meet you all:)

I'm not really sure why I was feeling so down through the week, I had been on a 'roll' with everything for 5 weeks! ( that is the longest time I have stuck to this for ages) and I just kinda fell into a 'slump' which easily reverted to old eating habits ( comfort food!)
......... Isn't it amazing how quickly we can fall into those old eating patterns!!

I really had thoughts during the last few day's of giving up - that I am sick of having to watch what I am eating, it just seems so hard sometimes! BUT don't worry I have no intention of doing that at all:)

Luckily I still did all my exercise ( it has turned into a normal part of my day now) so at weigh in today I 'turtled' which means I stayed the same as last week ( which I didn't mention last week was a .1 gain) ....but my thinking today has been that this is really not good enough!! I really want to get losing properly again... so I am determined to record a loss next week!

I think I let things get to me to much - and I end up so depressed about what is going on in my life! ( there is one issue going on that I can't really discuss here) Tonight I sat down and had a scotch and (diet) coke with hubby - the first time I have had a drink in ages! It was really nice to sit and relax:) ......but now I am wide awake and it's after midnight..lol

Well I might go have a read up on what you all have been up to!!

Tuesday, July 18

I had been feeling a little 'down' about things over the last few days ~ But when I came online and read about Emily & Johnny's loss, any problems/feelings I am having cannot possibly compare to the heartache they are going through. I was crying just reading about it.

I have nothing to complain about ~ I have my health, my husband, my two boys - I really have alot to be thankful for!

I have just finished watching the Kylie interview - so am all teary again:)

At the moment my thoughts are with Emily & Johnny *hugs*

Monday, July 10

Friday, July 7

Thankyou for all your supportive comments on Marg's passing. The funeral was a lovely reflection of her life ~ and it was great afterwards to have a 'chuckle' with the family about the happy times:)

I lost .9 this week ~ that makes 4 weeks in a row!!

About the bio oil: I am not sure if it is doing anything on the stretchmarks yet ( as it has only been a week) but my skin feels so soft. I have two tiny scars in between my belly button and just under the breast bone ( from gallbladder keyhole surgey) and they are looking much lighter!
I saw my sister yesterday - she works at a childcare centre, and has caught chicken pox - so she is planning to use the bio iol on her scars that she has been scratching at!

...More excting news this week - my niece that just got married has announced that she is pregnant - due on 26th Feb next year! So two new babies arriving in our family!!

Hope all of you have a great weekend!!

Monday, July 3

It's been a while since I posted -

My friend Marg passed away on thursday, which is quite sad ~ at least she is not in any pain anymore. The funeral is on Wednesday.

The positives this week;

My niece ( on Vic's side) eloped and got married this weekend - which is kinda cool:)

I lost .2 - that is my 3rd loss in a row!
For the last few weeks my head has been in the right place ~ and things just seem so much easier! I have so much energy lately.

I also have been taking more care with my skin ~ cleansing and moisturising, and I have been using bio oil on my stomach.

I have been reading that '30 mins exercise in the morning is equivelent to 1 hour in the afternoon', so now that the boys are back at school I will be doing 30 min on my airwalker as soon as I come in from taking them to school.

Hope everyone is going well:)