Tuesday, July 25

After a really foggy morning it's now a lovely sunny day here,
This is the view from the window of my computer room;

Having the sun out really boost's my mood!!

I would like to send a huge thankyou to ChubbyMum for being a 'sounding board' in the past few days - especially with the 'issue' I've been having with my Dad
I hope you are feeling much better - and that you had a proper rest yesterday:)

She has encouraged me to talk about what I am feelings, instead of keeping it all in (and making me go crazy...lol) - and it has really helped make my head feel so much clearer...does that make sense??
..On that note, I will let you know what has ben going through my head lately to make me feel blah...
I started 'again' to get serious about weightloss 6 weeks ago, the reason was that I had got up to 87 kilo's which really scared the beejeezes out of me - especially knowing that I got to 75 kilo's around my 30th birthday! - that was also the same time that Nan died ~ so it was a time of alot of stress and emotional eating.
But getting on the scales at 87 kilo's really gave me a wake up call that if I didn't do something the numbers would just keep going up and up!! Which has made me put more effort in - alot of my clothes were/are tight and looked horrible with rolls showing - and some tops didn't even fit anymore, so my wardrobe has been getting very dull. At the moment it's mainly down to daggy trackies and loose tops. In the last 6 weeks I have got down to 83.5 kilo's - I should be happy (I am that the numbers are going down) but I am still feeling very fat and frumpy, I don't feel like going out looking like this - which is a tad depressing!

I would have loved to go meet all the bloggers in the city last weekend - the main reason I didn't go was because of how I am feeling about myself, and what I percieve others will think about me ( did I mention I'm also very shy!) - very silly I know!

The fact that nothing much has been happening workwise isn't really boosting my self esteem either. Tommorrow I am starting a vounteer job at school working in the office on wednesdays while one of the office girls is on leave - which will be fun:)

Now that I have got all that out - I am feeling more motivated to exercise and get this weight down - so I can feel better about ME and my appearance, then when the next meet is arranged I won't be as scared to go!!

If you have read down this far you deserve a medal...lol

Hope all are having a great day:)


Anonymous said...

Well done Leighanne... isn't it better when it is out!! This is what our blogs are for hun.

Thank you for the mention hun... I am always here to listen and help and don't forget that aye.

Hope the Dad situation gets all sorted aye.

Love ya

Ang said...

Putting it down in writing is sometimes the hardest thing, because it means you have to admit how you are feeling to yourself!

Stand tall you beautiful person.

You have achieved so much in the past 6 weeks, and it sounds like you are ready to continue to build on that success!

Learning Leaders said...

Hey Leighanne - your not the only one that gets these feelings so what your feeling is quite natural - the best things about the blogs is that we can support each other and realise that we are not ONE person fighting these battles but we have friends out there that understand you completely. take care and have a great week.lb.

philippa_moore said...

What a lovely reminder that when the fog lifts in our lives, there is a beautiful sunny day out there to enjoy.

Talking about how you feel always helps.

You should be very proud that you've been so focused and determined lately, and that the figure on the scales is going down! You'll be back at 75 before you know it. Take it one day at time, do things that make you happy and feel good about yourself, and enjoy life.

Hope you have a great rest of the week :)

michelle said...

I understand exactly what you are saying. Would you like to meet up one day and go for a walk/talk with just the 2 of us? Feel free to email me as blogger wouldn't let me get your email address.

Mary said...

Oh my gosh, look at that awesome view!!! The sun plays a huge factor in setting my mood too. I need it, lots of it.

I'm glad to read that you're sorting out issues about your Dad too. It's great when you have someone who can be a sounding board also so you can get some perspective also.

And meeting bloggers...I'm shy too LOL but it's worth it and once you meet them, you'll feel even more connected. We have such a awesome community here :-)

Cinders said...

What a beautiful view you have Leighanne.

Glad you got all that out. Have a great weekend.

Tarns said...

What a beautiful view

Hope you are feeling better

Have a great weekdn :_

Baby Bump Wanted said...

glad you got it all out bet you feel better now, love the view.
i will talk in 6 weeks im on holidays woohoo and jetting off across the world talk then

Lisa C said...

I had similar reasons for not going to the blogger meet!
You know, we really have to meet for that coffee sometime soon :P