Wednesday, October 17

I lost!

Last week: 95 kilos
This week: 94.2 kilos
Lost: .8
Left to lose: 29.2

Very happy with that loss, goes to show I can go away and still lose:)

Had a great weekend - went for a walk near the lake on Saturday morning with my Dad which was nice to spend one on one time with him. Eating was ok - had takeaway for lunch, then buffet for tea. Only had two drinks though - mixed with diet coke as I was driver.

On sunday while everyone else was hungover I walked to the cemetary to put some flowers on Nan's grave. Then we all went out for lunch before coming home.

Another thing....I wore my Jeans!!!! So that is one mini goal out of the way...will have to think of another one now!

I have a gym assessment today, to write up a new program which will be interesting!


Christine said...

Very happy for your loss! That's awesome!

Chris H said...

I love it when I get a new gym programme... looking forward to going back soon and doing just that. And ya hooo for getting back into your jeans, isn't that a magic feeling? Always brings a HUGE smile to my face!

Zanna said...

Good for you on keeping it together over the weekend and woo hoo to getting those jeans back on - a magnificent feeling. Here's to another good week for both of us
Z xx

Apple2Hourglass said...

Well done! Keep up the good work and you'll smash those goals in no time!