Thursday, July 26

Things are going great at the moment - taking the time out to plan has really made a difference!!

I know what I will be eating and when, and my personal trainer has my exercise planned out...everything is falling into place!!

I have not peeked at the scales yet, but for the first time in ages I am confident on a loss:)

On Monday I also did my measurements and got Jason to take a 'before' photo...It's not the best, but ya get the idea:)

I am hoping to see a change really soon!


Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Hey there!!!
Just spent all day chasing my attractive work unifom up.... arghhhh I am tired already!!!
Well done on the planning...
I hope it all falls into place for you real soon..
Is that your house???? It looks huge!!!

Yummy Mummy said...

It feels great when things go well and mess together well!!!

Glad you have a before photo... we all need one!!

Sienna said...

lol at pic. The caption should say "This is the old me people, standby to watch me transformed!!"

Christine said...

Great idea to take pictures! You will just love it to see the progress!!!

Chris H said...

Ha ha, that photos funny, it's like you are saying "who me"??? Your home looks really lovely, I love the high ceilings and open plan look!