Tuesday, July 31

Just checking in...

Things are still going along nicely - weighed in yesterday and LOST weight for the first time in a long time:)

Last week 95.1
This week 94.4
Lost 0.7
Total lost 0.7
Weight left to lose 29.4 kilo's
( to reach goal weight of 65 kilo's)

I am going to love watching that 29.4 go down:)

P.s Wanna - that pic was taken in my loungeroom, you can see a bit of the dining room over my shoulder, our house isn't huge - just high and really open:)


Yummy Mummy said...

Well done!!

Amazing what can happen when a bit of planning gets put into place!!!

Christine said...

YEah! yeah! WIggle wiggle, thats my happy dance by the way! You keep it up!!!!

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Well done leighanne... amazing what a loss can do to boost your enthusiasm again...
I looooove your house.....

Sienna said...

You are on fire now Leigh, you go girl go!!

Leighanne said...

Thank you all, for all your support xxx