Friday, July 6

Can someone help....

A while ago a few of you were talking about the couch to 5 k podcast.

Since I am now going to the gym I thought it would be great to give it a go, but all I can find on the net is info on what to do eg. how long to do each bit - but I can't find anywhere to go to download the podcast!
Any help will be greatly appreciated:)


CaramelKitKat said...

Looking forward to hearing how you go with it!

Zanna said...

Was about to leave it too - but CKK has delivered the goods. Good luck with it - I have just finished it (actually one day to go but will do that Monday) and I've loved every minute of it. Enjoy!

Leighanne said...

A huge thankyou to both of you:)
I will go check it out now!!

Julie's Journey said...

Too late as usual to help but I got the original info from Zanna. It is amazing and I am doing it at the gym on a treadmill as it is easier on my knees, seems to be raining here forever and I wont go into the cold. Remember, if you dont feel that you are ready to move on to a new week - dont. This isnt a race. Enjoy!