Friday, June 29

Thought I'd better update to show that I am still here....slack bugger I have been!!!

Not alot has been happening in my corner of the world. I am still going to (and enjoying) the gym - my personal trainer is giving me a new program starting Monday - it will be a nice change - I hope!!

Work has been crazy...this week working six out of seven days - it has been hard getting things done...but the money helps:)

Food has been up and down, some days I am really good then others it just goes to shit....I really need to focus more. This week I have started sucking on a mint while at work which has helped with snacking.

... at the moment weight is still around the same no complaints there!!

This week, thanks to Beckie I have found google reader ( This is going to make things so much easier for me, as it takes so long to get through blogs, and in a few weeks when I will be doing office work at school I will have acess to all my fav sites. So this weekend I hope to finish adding all the blogs I read!!

So now I'd better go clean out our bedroom - we are getting a new bedroom suite delivered tommorrow...can't wait!!

Hope u all have a great weekend xxx


Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Oh new furniture... sounds fab...
I have blog something.. haha tanked on scotch so cant remember... but that saves me heaps of time...
might change to google reader tho as it is quicker than bloglines.. thats it.. I remember now.. haha

Lisa C said...

Good to hear from you!

Julie's Journey said...

New furniture is always exciting even if it usually means more work to get everything ready. Somehow it is all worth it. Im starting a new program today at gym too! Have decided to split cardio and weights up for a while instead of doing them on the same day. Was going to check bloglines tomorrow and will now check googlereader too. Anything that will help me save time. Thanks for the tip and have a good week.

Zanna said...

Good to hear life's good for you. You'll have to post a pic of the new furniture - sounds exciting!