Friday, June 29

Thought I'd better update to show that I am still here....slack bugger I have been!!!

Not alot has been happening in my corner of the world. I am still going to (and enjoying) the gym - my personal trainer is giving me a new program starting Monday - it will be a nice change - I hope!!

Work has been crazy...this week working six out of seven days - it has been hard getting things done...but the money helps:)

Food has been up and down, some days I am really good then others it just goes to shit....I really need to focus more. This week I have started sucking on a mint while at work which has helped with snacking.

... at the moment weight is still around the same no complaints there!!

This week, thanks to Beckie I have found google reader ( This is going to make things so much easier for me, as it takes so long to get through blogs, and in a few weeks when I will be doing office work at school I will have acess to all my fav sites. So this weekend I hope to finish adding all the blogs I read!!

So now I'd better go clean out our bedroom - we are getting a new bedroom suite delivered tommorrow...can't wait!!

Hope u all have a great weekend xxx

Monday, June 18

I thought it was about time I updated...I have been getting online every couple of days to read emails and get stuck reading blogs, which means I have not had the chance to update myself:)

So what's ben happening...nothing really interesting!
I had a bad case of the flu the last few weeks which really knocked me around...and I actually really missed going to the gym ...shock... Vic was also sick for a few days, Jason stayed home from school a few days as well.

This week I am feeling much better, so I have been back to the gym and I have to admit I am really enjoying going - although it does make life so much busier...I do love having that time 'for me' Its going to be interesting to see if I can fit any in during the school holidays:)

Last week I was feeling very disheartened about things - I have been going to the gym for 6 weeks now and am still sitting at the same weight!! (92 at the moment) I know I did gain when I went to Tassie (way to much alcohol was consumed over there), so I have lost something - but I thought that going from hardly any exercise from working out 4 times a week that there would be a difference...I do feel alot fitter though...for example when I started I could only do a minute or two on the cross trainer on level 1, now I do ten minutes a time on level 4!! So I'm really happy about that:)
One thing I really need to focus on at the moment is my snacking (especially at work!) I am finding I am hungrier after working out:)

Well I must go get ready for work - hope everything is going well for everyone xxx

Friday, June 8

I'm home sick today - and have been told by hubby not to lift a finger all day:)
So I thought I would finally post some photo's of the boys taken while we were in Tassie:)
This is at the airport - behind is the plane we came home on.
While in Tassie the boys slept together on a fold out couch - I couldn't resist taking this:)

This was taken up at the lookout at Mount Nelson - Vic has alot of friends in that area.

Thursday, June 7

Introducing the newest member of our family...

Charlotte Amara Lynch was born on Sunday weighing in at 8lb 30z!!
She is my sister Amanda's 3rd baby:) She looks so much like her older sister!

Luke having a cuddle

Jason with his new cousin:)

Friday, June 1

Sorry about the extended absence of late; at the moment we are getting gas pipes put in our street and the lovely guys cut our phone line which left us with no phone or internet for a whole week!!

I will do a proper update soon...caramelkitkats last message kinda shocked me, as I didn't know...I actually saw the guy at work a few days ago!!