This one is a closer photo taken the other day...
My weigh in for the 2nd Jan was 89 kilo's. I have done all my measurements, and have them written in a note book that I am also tracking my food and exercise (so I won't lose them) My 1st official weigh in will be on the 18th last weigh in was 84 kilo's, so my goal until then is to get as close to 84 as I possibly can. I have been pretty good the last few days, eating well and doing a little exercise each motivation is back!!!
Oh arent I the mean one..hehe...
Hey it works for me..If i post the pics that are a real kik in the pants for me.. it helps to motivate me...
and anyways... you dont look yukky... not at all...
Love the tin hut btw..
Heres to a slimmer new year for all of us...
I don't want to ruin your motivation....but that's a shocking photo of you, and you look so much better than that in real life!!! :)
Onwards and downwards my dear.
You will do it hun!! FULL FAITH in you!!
Love CM
Similar poses, but oh boy the difference is certainly apparent between the two. Congrats for improving so much! Am looking forward to seeing the next lot.
I agree with Nannette. Having my progress photos up on flicker has helped keep me motivated, especially when the scales aren't showing much progress lately. {sigh}
Photos sure make it seem more real! I felt that way after my picnic photos and realised that I needed to do something about it. Bring on the motivation! I think it's great that you're on top of it now and motivated to kick butt :-)
What a gorgeous hut!
Good luck with staying motivated and reaching your goals. You CAN do it!
We have all had those 'photo' moments.
Keep going hard!
Sometimes I think its our reaction to the dreaded camera that causes us to have shitty photos.For years (i kid you not) not a photo of me existed, i thought i just looked terrible in photos.But with a fe tips from bec and a new acceptance i cant keep my silly self out of them.I think when we are afraid of the camera we tense up and get this tsunned,horrified look on our faces,doesnt make for a pretty picture.
You gotta work what you got !!!!
thanks for stopping by my blog.i love to meet new friends and find more blogs to distract me from the pile of washing that sits and sits
Hi Leighanne...good luck with the tracking and exercise and your weigh in are in the right space at the moment so hang in
I think we've all done a bit of damage over the break. Well done for getting your head back in the right space. We're all going to kick butt this year.
Hope you're having a great week.
We need these photos to look back on and realise how much we've achieved.
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