I have not wriiten much in the last few days the main reason is that I have been feeling a bit 'blah'... I think most of it is tiredness, and the gain I had last week - even though I wasn't worried about it - it's still in the back of my mind!
I have found it alot harder to be organised with Vic back at work and the boys back at school - many late nights has made me tired (and sometimes grumpy) - thus my eating choices have not been the best. I have still been walking ( even though I spend most of it sneezing....damn hayfever..lol) If I don't go - everytime I am outside Sarge runs to the leash wanting to go - so he makes me feel guilty...lol
Hopefully I will be in a routine soon:) I really need to do more at night when I get home - as I am wide awake...I will try harder this week:)
Sorry about having a bit of a winge ~ I may have a gain again this week - for some reason I was hungry all day, and grazed through, nothing really satisfied!
Some postive news: My sister announced this week that she is expecting her 3rd bubs ( in May) - so exciting!!
I also want to thank Mary for all her positive comments, you are so sweet:) - it is comments like this that is the main reason that I am still plodding along. I believe I would have given up a long time ago if it wasn't for all the support we give each other....Thankyou:)
Feel free to whinge! You're doing great Leighanne, as I have said before, you chip away each week and that has got you to where you are now. How good is it to have a dog?? Sounds like Sarge is good at giving 'The Look' that makes you feel guilty if you do not take him for a walk.
Hopefully you'll be right once you're in a routine again. You have been doing a great job lately so just remember that.
Congrats to your sis xx
I really do think it is all routine, sometimes boring, but still routine. You have been moving forward so well, a tiny hiccup isnt something you should worry about. Off we go again...
Take care
Just remember you are working hard and you are doing a great job. It's a full-time job managing a DH and two boys and now you are working at night as well. Look after yourself.
Awww, you deserve it babe! You inspire me every time I come here, even when you whinge LOL but how rare is that!! I have read your blog for a while now and have watched you become this amazing force to reckon with. You are a trooper and I agree, I would have given up too if it wasn't for the awesome blogger support :-)
Well I know where you are coming from. I have had a terriblecouple of weeks food wise and motivation wise...
But thats it..I have taken some control again...You know we can do this...
We have come this far and we will soldier on and get to where we want to be...
Chin up.. routine will get better its only your first couple of weeks so far... Give yourself a break..
Cheers WBS
I think you are doing brilliantly. Anyone who keeps slogging away at it, and overall does not give up, is a hero in my books! :-)
As everyone has said you have done so well so far!! Everyones has days or weeks like you have described - just remember they pass, and keep up the great work.
Kate xx
You are doing great, keep going.
Love your psosts. I am a lurker and thought I should drop by and say "HI"
Have a great day
Sorry yr feeling so blah! Lack of sleep will do that to you every time, hey?
Don't be too hard on yrself, it's not easy to be 'up' all the time when you have several other people to look after, as well as yrself.
Funny, but Beck (beckschallenge.blogs.com) was only saying yesterday that a few bloggers she knows reckon that they don't post as much when they aren't doing as well with their food/exercise. I'm guilty of this as well. I reckon we should do it the other way round, so that we can get the support when we really need it. Guess we're all frightened of everyone thinking that we're whinging ho ho ho's, instead of the driven, charming, funny, talented people we really are. ROFL!
Hope yr feeling better soon.
Hope you are feeling better now :)
How'd the weigh in go?
Oh, and btw... Hayley has chicken pox now too...two weeks exactly since Chels got them. lol.
Ooooh Congrats to your sister on the news :)
Hope you're feeling better soon! oxoxo
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