Tuesday, August 29

I have been reminded by the lovely Briony, that it is only 8 weeks until our Birthday! (this year is going way to fast!!)

Last year I was 83 kilo's on my birthday. My goal for this year is to be down to at least 78 kilo's. I would be totally thrilled!! I want this to be the last year, ever, being in the 80's - I want to say goodbye forever!
To do this I need to lose an average of 400g a week - which I think is very attainable. I CAN do this!!

Things have been going fine this week - I still had a hard time on the weekend, we had some unexpected visitors from Tassie come to visit - and they brought a yummy cake to have with coffee. Then we all went out for dinner. It was nice to see them, it had been a few years ... and it was only one day of eating to much - I have been really good since! so I am not going to stress about it!!

I have been keeping an eye out to see how Jodie is going, hopefully bubs will be here really soon... very exciting!!

Hope everyone is having a great day:)


Madamx81 said...

you so can do this!! What wonderful motivation!!!

CaramelKitKat said...

It's definately do-able.

Without wanting to go near sounding patronising, or to belittle your losses (as if you can!), I really admire the way you plug away. My history has seen me lose big, but then go off track very quickly, but here's hoping that's in the past. I could definately use a leaf out of your book if it's not!

Suzy said...

YES you CAN do it!!! Good luck.

(I too am anxious about Jodie)

Ang said...

That is an awesome achieveable goal!! It helps whe you have a target aye.

Briony said...

53 days now honey!!

Sorry!! hahaha

You can do this, you've been losing consistently now for a few weeks, one day of eating bad isn't going to do too much damage!

Deb said...

thats defianetly a realistic goal - you could do that for sure! What a wonderful birthday you will have if you reach your goal :)

take care!

Briony said...

52 days now!!
ha ha ha ha ha - sorry :0)

Leighanne said...

Thanks Briony!!