Monday, July 24

It was a pretty quiet weekend here~
I spent most of Saturday helping Jason make a game about whales for a school project. He did it using my scrapbooking stuff - it turned out quite well:) Now he has the wants to make one about cars next:)
Here's a picture;
I wasn't feeling to well Saturday night/most of Sunday - I had a headache, felt dizzy and nausea. So no exercise done. I did do some comfort eating - but I didn't go stupid, which means my weight is sitting about the same as I was on Thursday. So if I work hard the next few days I should record a loss...fingers crossed xx

Well Now I have to go do all the housework that I avoided over the weekend:)


Mary said...

I hope you're feeling better! Housework is always a good workout too :-)

Chubbymum said...

Wow what a great looking game he has made... bet you are a proud mum that is for sure.

Hope all is well... you know how to contact me hun.

Love CM

Yummy Mummy said...

that is the worse thing about housework.. it never seems to do itself!!!!
Hope that you are feeling much better.. who knows.. might just be another bloggers baby???

Ang said...

What a cool mum you are! :D