Sunday, November 20

The wedding was great last night! No real funny stories - but they were really drunk by the time they went downstairs, and we were making bets that someone was going to fall.
It was a small one - 70 guests. They actually had the ceremony on the grounds as well. We had to serve canapes which was really fun as everybody wanted to talk to the person with the food tray. then when everyone came upstairs we served the food and just kept bringing drinks out - which was all pretty easy. The worst part is at the end of the night we have to polish all the glasses - there were a couple of hundred!!
Once everything was cleared away ( and polished!) we had to set the tables up for breakfast, and put the cereal boxes, and the jugs out! Every shift we do we have to set up for the next one!
I signed off at 1.45am..when I got home I fell asleep very quickly ( and did enjoy playing starfish,
I am doing a lunch shift today, starting at 12pm. So I am going to make the most of being home alone and go have a nice bath and relax awhile before I am off again!!


Kate said...

Wow, another loss, well done!! Sounds like work was fun! :-)

Kt said...

congrats on this weeks loss. Sounds like the wedding was fun, except for polishing the glasses!

Margaret said...

Sounds like a great night. Oh except for the glasses thing LOL.
But I am sure it burnt a few extra calories...

Suzy said...

Glad your work went well. Sounds exhausting! You really earned that bubble bath!

Julie's Journey said...

Isnt it great when you are enjoying what you do, the time just flies. Hope you had a great weekend.

Carla said...

what a great job! im so glad your loving it! congrats on your loss this week too! :)

Baby Bump Wanted said...

WOW sounded like a great night. just think how many steps you would have done last night...


philippa_moore said...

I love weddings - your job sounds like heaps of fun. Waitressing is hard physical work too, so you'll probably find yourself getting much fitter too as the weeks go on!

Hope you have an excellent week :)

Esther said...

You must be exhausted... Im tired at the thought of polishing all thoses glasses. It sounds like a great job!! Make sure you lok after yourself with all these late hours... Did you have hospitality experience before this job? (I was thinking about a job that has nothing to do with nursing, but have zilch experience). Have a great week!

CaramelKitKat said...

Weddings would be fun, with everyone in a good mood. Sounds like they're really happy with you if you're working so much.

Congrats on the growing train...I might have missed something, are there a group of you working towards them?