Saturday, October 8

Thankyou everyone for all your words of encouragement and support!!
I have been doing really well the last few days:)
Vic and I are going out tonight for his calender launch( it is a community nude calender!!) - so I went shopping the other day to get a shirt to wear. It was the first time in ages that I really looked at my back, in the mirrors! I was shocked at the fat rolls!!
This morning I got Jason to take some photo's for me as encouragement, one of my back, and a side on ( I hope that isn't cruelty to I am not brave enough to post them as yet, I was quite discusted at them myself ...but maybe when I have smaller ones to compare to!
I am going to print them out for me, and have them sitting in my food diary:)
Well I have to go take the boys down to my sisters ~where they are spending the night!
Hope you are all having a great weekend:)

*Edit* I printed those photo's 5x7


Chubbymum said...

Have fun at the launch tonight!

Photos aren't always fun but they are really motivational if you want to lose weight.

Love Chubbymum

Melissa said...

Have a great night..
Photos can be very unforgiving sometimes but hey you have come so far. I remember when I struggled to turn to look in the mirrior at my back, now that I can I love it, but doesn't always mean its looks that fab, we'll get there and we are on our way anyway!!!!!

Margaret said...

Well done. As upset and 'disgusted' as you are at those photos now, you will be so pleased that you did it. Later on when you are at goal and you look at the range of photos from these ones, through to the goal ones, you will be so proud of yourself. And rightly so too. I have taken measurements but after seeing CM's progress shots I really wished I'd thought to do that along the way.

You have a great weekend, have fun, and keep up that winning attitude :)

michelle said...

You are very brave and they will eb a great incentive as you will eb able to make positive comparisons.

Mary said...

You know what!? I wish I took photos like that too now. I never did. These will be a great motivator! Don't feel like you have to post them either. This journey is for you. I hope you have a great night! Nude calendar hey with the man ;-)

Felicity said...

Good for you getting photos cameras are great weigt loss tool..I beat u wouldn't have taken them if u had to get them developed in the shop. I took a video of myself when I first started my journey, got the sound effects too huffin and puffin like an old train. Also did one of me first effort doing my walk aerobics omg that is a painful site. But very inspriational...might just hunt it out now and check it out. Have a great day.

Leighanne said...

You are right about not taking photo's without the digital camera!!
I even got my son to do them - because I didn't want my hubby to see!

Kt said...

hope u have a fabulous time at the calendar launch! don't feel embarrassed about your photos, instead feel proud that you are taking control of your weight! you've lost 15kg so far & thats awesome!

Melinda said...

Digital cameras are the best be able to see what you look like and print out for motivation is a great tool.
Hope you had a great time last night. You have a brave man there, you will get toned fighting all the other chicks away from him!!
Cheers Bronny