Wednesday, September 28

My eating has been at little crappy the last 2 days! My little brother (21) has got himself in a bit of trouble with the police - so the whole family has been kinda stressed...waiting to find out what is going to happen!
I have really noticed today that I have been mindless eating - luckly I don't have much junk food around - but I have been eating way to much!
I am really proud of myself in the fact that while I was driving home yesterday afternoon (feeling really stressed out) I talked myself out of stopping to pick up a family block of chocolate! I must be starting to think like a normal thin person:)
I have got my food for tommorrow all planned out so I will be strating afresh. I start work at 9am...I can't wait!!!


Jack said...

The emotional highs in life can wreck havoc in our diet we don’t get a grip on it. This used to be a serious problem for me, now I still have to deal with it on occasion, but most of the time I find the strength now.

In reference to the block of chocolate, it is the little victories that can be so meaningful. There was a time when I could not open a cupboard in the kitchen that contained sweets without stuffing a sweet in the mouth, it didn’t matter whether I had just eaten or whatever. I fought this for over a year until I got over it! Now my wife complains that she bakes a cake or cookies and they never get eaten up.

Good luck starting your new job tomorrow!

Margaret said...

Well done on resisting the temptation Leighanne. You did a great job - and you know that it would not have made you feel better or helped the situation.

Keep strong during this time. I hope it all works out in the best possible way that it can.

Enjoy your first day tomorrow :)

Nancy Bou said...

Good Luck for the new job tomorrow. I will have my fingers crossed that it will go as planned.
Congratulations on not giving in to the chocolate

Have a great week :o)

Felicity said...

you have made good choices and you will get thru this stressful time.

Lee-Anne said...

All the best for tomorrow and the new job. Must be exciting.

Good on you for resisting temptation.

I hope things work out alright with your brother and everyone's stress levels return to normal. I know it can't be an easy time.

Me said...

Hope the job went well yesterday - well done on not stopping to buy the slab of chocolate. Those little victories make you so much stronger.
Hope things work out with your brother - try not to stress too much.
Have a good weekend and take care !

Lisa C said...

Hi Lee,
Congrats on the new job...hope it works out to be what you want.
Also, sorry to hear about your little brother (naughty boy)...hope it all works out soon

Lee-Anne said...

Was thinking about you today. Hope your first day went well.

Suzy said...

Hope everything goes OK for your brother. Does sound very stressful.

jak said...

Well done on resisting that temptation, that's such a big achievment and you should definitely be so proud of yourself for it.