Thursday, August 4

Weigh in day!

Weighed in today and lost .6 - this is the first time for ages that I have lost 4 times in a row. I was given a little button today, if I lose for six weeks I get a bigger one. So that is a little goal of mine for the moment!
Todays eating has been to plan - except for some chocolate, but I am not stressing about that as I normally eat so much more junk on a thursday. I have even had 1 litre of water, and should get another one in before bed ( water is also slack on thursdays)
When I go to dads I normally have my one glass of real coke for the week - and I said no today - which I am happy about!
At weigh in group we had a body shop demo today which was real fun, we had footspas and manicures - so have had a great pamper today ( and spent a wee fortune on girly products!)
Hope everyone else is having a great day!


Kate said...

Well done!!! Yay for a loss, and a really good loss at that! :-) You are making some really great choices lately!~ Do you think it gets easier the more times you do it?

Suzy said...

That is wonderful. Another good loss. Well done!!!!!

Leighanne said...

I hope so, Kate:)

Margaret said...

Whooo Hoooo. Well done chicky. You are really going well at the moment, keep up the momentum and that big button will be yours :)
Have a brilliant day

Me said...

YAY for another loss - well done ! And a Body Shop demo on top - what a wonderful day you must have had. Good for you for saying no to the real coke ! That is such a step forward !!!!!
Take care and have a great weekend !

Learning Leaders said...

Congrats on the loss and the NO COKE day.

Big buttons on the way.

The body shop thing sounds like lots of fun - I wonder if I can get my meeting to do that.....

I usually have a really slack day on weigh in day - trying to stop that though it is a bad habit.

Have a great week


michelle said...

Congratulations on your loss and on losing for consecutive weeks. As an ex coke drinker I know how hard it is to give it up . Well done. You will find it easier and easier to give it up over time. Doesn't ven interest me anymore and I used to crave it. Have anice weekend.

Felicity said...

Oh Lee, be proud of yourself for no coke and a good loss wow 4 in a row well done girl. What an awesome weight loss group u must belong to and great idea foot spa and pamper session what a great reward for all of you for your efforts

Mary said...

How did I miss your post!? Well done on another loss Lee and for saying no to coke! I like to have a glass once a week too. Your meetings sound awesome! Hope you are having a good weekend :-)