Monday, June 27

Weekend over...

It has been a very busy weekend;
On saturday I had a central council meeting in bendigo - which is 1 1/2 hours travel each way!
It was good to hear what's happening - and we get a free lunch, low fat of course!

Then we had the suprise party for Rhonda at a pub, she was already there with two friends having a drink. She got a big surprise when she was brought into the dining area to find 25 others waiting for her! It was a great night - didn't get home till 1am. I was good though choosing healthy options for dinner, and only having a little bit of icecream cake. I did not have a drink, as I was driving home so stuck to water!

On sunday I had the kids - since Vic had them all day Saturday, they ended up going to play with when the lady came around and delivered my scrapbooking stuff I had the afternoon free to play around - thats why no update yesterday!

Today (first day of holidays) I have babysat a friends 3 kids most of the day so she could go to the dentist. When the kids were eating lunch I did 4k's on her treadmill.
Other exercise today has been walking from the service station after I dropped my car off to get some tyres put on, walking to my friends house, and picking the car up again which = approx 15minutes.

I have been drinking my water, 2 litres down already, 1 to go
eating has been good - except for some biscuits today:)

Well must go get some dinner organised!

Ps Kate have got on to flickr - need to wait for an email back for verification :)


Mary said...

You sound like you are doing great :-) It's so nice to hear that Rhonda got a big surprise too. When things like this are organised, it really does make the person feel great. Good going!

Suzy said...

Sounds like you are going well with your exercise and water drinking too! Glad you had a great Saturday night.

Margaret said...

That's great. What a bonus to walk on the treadmill. You are doing so well, especially since it is so busy with all the kids.

Well done.
Hope you have a great day :)

Anonymous said...

You are going so well! Pleased you had a great night out and well done for sticking to water.