Saturday, May 7

Sports day for the boys went well, Jason got a 2nd and 4th ribbon, and Luke a 1st and 4th ribbon - so both are stoked!!

My neighbour (Anne) had her little girl yesterday at 5.45pm - so we went in to see her tonight, she called her Sidney Errin Frances, she was 6lb 12oz, she is gorgeous and soo tiny :)

Today we went to pipeworks market, which was fun - we walked around for a long time and the boys( all had fun on the dodgem cars. I picked up 2 dvds for the boys - 'robots and 5 and it', and I got hitch for me~ a great bargain at $10 each

"Happy mothers day" for all the mothers out there for tommorrow!!
We are going to my Mums for lunch this year!


Margaret said...

Congratulations to the boys for their ribbons at Sports Day. It is always so much fun to come away with a prize. And the DVD's sound cool - is Robots the one that was just at the movies? I didn't think that was out yet. Don't tell my son or he will send me out now. :)
Have a great Mothers Day.

Kate said...

Happy mother's day!
What clever boys you have :-)

Leighanne said...

Yes its the same robots -
The movies are out at the markets, but not on dvd yet, if you get what I mean.

Lisa C said...

Happy mother's day to you too :)
Hitch is great! Enjoy

a mummy losing it said...

Happy mothers day to you too - hope you have fun at your mums.

Re your note, ttc is 'try(ing) to conceive'.