Saturday, April 30

Late updates

I worked with Caroline on friday, cleaning - and afterward we went to the pub for lunch which was fun, but I ate a bit to much, I ate light for dinner though. I had the rest of the ham and broccoli pasta. I drank two litres of water too!

This morning I caught up on my own housework, then went to a baby shower for one of my neighbours - who is due 24 may. I got all clucky holding a little 8 week old :)
Eating was way off, little party pies, quiches ect, and malteaser, and picnic cheesecake, pav and a chocolate cake made from caramello koalas!!
I only had a little of each, but I don't wanna think of the points!!
- I have had my 2 litres of water though:)

It was nice to come home to the boys, who had eaten dinner and bathed and were ready for bed, a nice suprise! They have now settled down to watch a movie.

Not alot happening tommorrow, Vic is working so I might get an exercise dvd out ~ I need to work off alot of

"It's not what you do once in a while - it's what you do day in and day out that makes the difference."


Margaret said...

Isn't it great when the little things are done, like bathtime. It just makes you feel so happy and free. Good on you for doing your dvd's. A cake make from caramello's!! What will they think of next. Have a good day :)

Kate said...

I Like your quote. i need to remember that more often. Sometimes I feel like whining... "Well I ate my carrot, and salad, I went for a walk.. now can I be skinny please?!" Lol. Oh, also, those cheesecakes sound devine. Sigh. :-)

Lisa C said...

Hi there!!
I didn't realise you had a journal... I will be bookmarking it and returning often. Congrats on being half-way to goal...such a great accomplishment :)