Sunday, August 12

Long time between posts...

Things have been very stressful lately,

At the start of the week Vic's Dad was found collapsed on his bedroom floor and rushed to hospital, by Friday he was in intensive care...and has just been getting worse. Vic went to Tassie this morning on the first flight out and has spent most of the day with his Dad...He and his other siblings will be meeting again with the dr's in the morning...but at this stage it looks like all they can do is keep him comfortable until he passes away.
The boys and I are planning to stay home until then...the boys saw him while he still remembered who they they will have good memories of their Poppy.


CaramelKitKat said...

I'm sorry to hear this Leighanne. Thinking of you and your family.

Jeanna said...

I'm so sorry... you and your family are in my prayers

Kate said...

Sorry to hear about your father in law, that does sound stressful, and very sad. :-(

Lyn said...

Ohhh no you poor wee thing. Thinking of you *hugs*

Julie's Journey said...

Such a sad time. Thinking of you and your family.

Apple2Hourglass said...

That's so sad. You're all in my thoughts honey.

Christine said...

Hey. Just wanted to send some happy thoughts your way. You take care of yourself girl.

Chubbymum said...

Hun that is no good... Just know I am thinking of you all... and sending happy thought your way hun.

Big hugs
