Sunday, March 4


The last few weeks have been very stressfull. I am normally an extreamly organised person - and due to working two jobs, any trace of organisation has gone flying out the window...which stresses me out big time. Plus I have felt so guilty not being able to spend time with hubby and the kids, aswell as having the housework in do you full time working mums do it???

So... as of yesterday I have quit the coffee shop!!! I felt so bad telling the owner, but it was just getting to much, even though I enjoyed working there...I really need to put my family first:) She was quite shitty about it...but theres not much I can do about it:)
I am still working in the deli, four days a week (they gave me an extra friday shift), but the hours are more family friendly.
So now I will have more time to follow the meal plans I have been writing up each week (and not using!) drinking more water and getting back to moving my arse!
I have not weighed in for 3 weeks now (as I was working on weigh in days) but I know that I have gained...coming home late the last thing on my mind was exercising or cooking dinner - so we opted for quick and easy *cringe*. Hubby even 'helped' by getting takeaway if I wasn't home yet.

I am sick of this tired feeling, having a constant headache, from eating crap and just feeling so fat!!
I am at the highest weight that I have been at for years..which is really depressing!!

I need to make more of an effort....because I really want to lose weight, I am not happy at my current weight, and I am the only one who can change this situation!!

Sorry for the ramble....hope you are all having a great weekend:)


Sienna said...

Hi Leighanne,
I really enjoyed your post today. The book I am reading is called "AWAKEN THE GIANT WITHIN" by Anthony Robbins.
Hey, we could lose weight together? I have a small email group I do up 'spreadsheets' with, and we add up points for doing certain things... not weightwatchers, just our own game.
You are more than welcome to join, or we could be weightloss bloggin buddies if you want, you know, go day for day against each other.
I love herbalife, and expect my shake to get here Thursday. I am buying it cheap off ebay, otherwise I couldnt' afford it.
what diet are you on?

Cinders said...

I'm run off my feet with 1 job and 1 child and you've got double that, so I'm not surprised you've given up your coffee shop job. Good move. Just making 1 change a day whether it is drinking more water is bound to get u on the right track again.

CaramelKitKat said...

Good on you for quitting. So what if the owner is annoyed, she is entitled to be and you are entitled to not feel bad about it. Money is great, but certainly not everything and you need to do what works overall.

I hope your household is back on an even keel and that you are feeling heaps better.

Zanna said...

Glad to hear that your life is going to be a little less frantic. It's very hard to devote the necessary focus to weight loss and healthy eating when you feel like you're on a treadmill that keeps getting faster. So here's to a little 'Leighanne time'when you can mount your plan of attack.
Take care

Mary said...

It's really great to read that you are not going to continue with a situation that is not good for your wellbeing. How empowering!

Lisa C said...

((((big hugs))))

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Smart move girly.. hehe
Now maybe you might get a little "you" time...
Instead of being flat out at everything you might be able to stop and smell the roses...
Hope you are doin ok...
Did you get the phots ok???

TitanThirteen said...

You've gotta do what's best for your family. And no matter what you do in life, you're going to piss people off along the way.That's life. You did the right thing :o)

Leighanne said...

Thanks for all your support:)
I don't feel so guilty for quitting the job now:)

HD said...

oh leighanne, i hope you're feeling better honey! Well done for quitting one job, you've done the right thing as your family and HEALTH are number 1!

Now that you've only got one job to worry about you can concentrate on feeling better within yourself. I'm sure you'll be feeling better, exercising and drinking water again in no time :) Chin up!

Anonymous said...

Good on you hun... it was the best decision for you. You can't live life feeling stressed and unhappy and if you aren't spending enough time with your family and you are unhappy then something needs to change.

I keep saying to myself.... "you can't take money with you" as long as you can pay the bills hun then that is the main thing aye...

Love ya

Chunky said...

Wow, a lot's been happening in your world since I last checked in!

Just remember, take care of yourself AND THEN you can take care of everyone else better.


Jadey said...

Good luck with your new lifestyle hun I hope it's a big help!

Unknown said...

Hi there,

You are right, only you have the power to change your life and your self.

Really great to hear that you quit the coffee shop so you can get a little more organised.. I am so disorganised and I don't even work- you're an inspirational lady!

You have the power lovey!
