Monday, September 12

I feel like crap!
I have been eating crap for the last few days and just can't seem to stop! I hate feeling like this!
to make things worse my car is not going, so I had to stay home today - and maybe tommorrow if the part does not turn up, so have been in a real grumpy mood and have been mindlessly snacking.It has been pouring all day - so can't even go out for a walk!
I don't really have much else to say, so I will leave it at that.
Sorry so negative today,I am planning on going to bed early tonight ~ and hopefully will wake up on the right side tommorrow:)


Mary said...

I'm glad you decided to blog! It's so normal to feel like this and it's definitely part of the journey. Hopefully by blogging, it will have shook it out of you and you wake up on a brighter side tomorrow *hugs*. These days don't last!

Kathryn said...

Hope you are feeling over the blahs - it can really suck but it also is a good reminder of how bad you feel when you go back to old habits. I'm sure tomorrow will be much better. And remember, if all else fails you can put on some music and dance - that's what I do, not only is it exercise but also amusing (well it is if you dance like I

Kate said...

Probably a sleep will do you good, and I agree with Mary.. blogging usually helps in these situations. :-)

Margaret said...

Well done for saying how you feel. It is so easy to only talk about the positive days. Talking about all days shows that they do happen. But they don't need to be the beginning of a huge slide.

Hope you had a good rest and that you wake up happier in the morning :)

michelle said...

Hope you have woken up today in a happier state of mind. If the part hasn't arrived why not attack the cupboards. Spring clean that attitude right out of you. Sending you lots of happy thoughts today.

Suzy said...

Hope things are much better today.