Friday, July 8


Here is a photo of my little brother in front of one of the cars.
They gave him a copy of this photo with his name and date on it,
laminated as a keepsake.
When driving the fastest speed he got up to was 170kmph.
His girlfriend was not looking forward to him driving


Suzy said...

Help! 170 km per hour!

Margaret said...

Yep. My DH used to race cars. V8 Holdens, the Formula Ford. He won rookie of the year when he started then stopped driving when he rolled the (open top!) car doing about 150km. Not very noice. He was OK but we couldn't afford the insurance after that (thank goodness)

Sounds like you had a wonderful time. You have this whole journey a bit tough by doing it yourself without your family really knowing what you are doing. So give yourself a big pat on the back that you are actually doing it and if it takes a bit longer, so be it, at least you will get there.

I hope you have a great weekend :)

Leighanne said...

Thanks Margaret :)