Tuesday, May 17


I found this today...

"Finish everyday and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doub have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tommorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenly, with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. This day is all that is good and fair. It is too dear, with it's hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on yesterdays."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

I really like that quote!

Today has been good - I got the thingy to clean the chimney - so Vic should be able to do it tonight when he gets home, it is getting chilly already - so hopefully it will work!

I had french toast for breakfast, left over pasta for lunch , rice crackers for snack and have made chicken in plum sauce for tea. i am half way through my second bottle of water!

Well better go take Jason to karate!

Night all


Kate said...

Love the quote :-)

Margaret said...

Is the 'thingy' to clean the chimney the same as the 'thingy' to change the channels? ;)

Great quote and great going with your water.

Leighanne said...

Naa, it's a wire brush on with a long bendy pole, vic had to get up on the roof to put it in the chimney - kind of like a big bottle brush you clean baby bottles with!
It worked anyway - the fire is roaring now!