Sunday, May 15

"I am responsible for what I eat.
The choice to eat healthily is mine.
Nobody is forcing me to overeat.
My body reflects how I approach food.
I can choose to change how I look and to take better care of myself."

A quiet day at home today - sorted out some clothes Vic got off our friend who is moving, so tommorrow I have to find some space in our closet for them!

Good day eating wise, had porridge for breakfast, left over chicken pie for lunch and mongolian beef for tea( and have put the rest in a container for Vic to take for lunch). No snacking, had one sugar free lolly. I have already had my two litres of water, so things going great!

Now I am going to go get my Annette Sym books, and plan my shopping list for next week while I watch big brother!

Night all :)


Kate said...

Going so well! Good on you! Keep it up :-)

Margaret said...

Well said. And well acted. You are going so well with your water and your eating. And you are right. We can eat whatever we want, but it is our responsibility and our body will wear the consequences.
Have a brilliant day Leighanne. :)