Monday, May 23

Today I started well by doing an exercise video as soon as I got home from taking the boys to school - I had noticed that I am getting a bit slack in that department!

I am glad I did it early, because I had to go pick Luke up, because he isn't feeling well - he is complaining of a sore ear, so it may be an ear infection ( he has had a few, but is normally more sooky than he is today)
I could not get into the doctors until 3.45 - it is so annoying only having one doctor, living in a small town does suck sometimes!

Some good news though, ages ago I entered a competition for Blackmores destress, and I won a T-shirt, a lovely purple/mauve colour. It was a great surprise since I had forgotten I had actually entered. This is the first thing I have ever won!!

The T-shirt is a size 10 - so won't fit me at the moment, but,
I am going to join Kates challenge and try to lose 10 kilo's in 18 weeks.
If, I mean WHEN, I succeed I will be down to 72 kilo's!!


Margaret said...

Congratulations on the prize, and having such a nice t-shirt in a size 10 could be a real incentive. I have to read about Kate's challenge. Thanks for the heads up.

Have a great day.
Cheers :)

P.S. Hope Luke feels better soon.

Me said...

Well done on the win - maybe that could be something to work towards wearing !!!
Take care - I know how difficult it is with sick children I hope Luke feels better soon.