Saturday, October 15

Thankyou everyone for all your congratulations and words of encouragement!
I have a tough couple of weekends coming up - so I am hoping to continue well with my eating!

Tommorrow is the local show - and it will be a long day, I organise the childrens activities so I need to be there around 6am, and we won't be leaving til at least 7pm!(depending on drinkies)
Next week end it's my birthday, and the weekend after that, my best friend is having a party ~ so there will be alcohol involved!! I have managed to avoid it for a while:)

Well hope everyone is having a great weekend ~ hope the bloggers in joggers have a great time!!


Suzy said...

Have a great day at the show. How exciting - your Birthday soon!

Chubbymum said...

Hope you had a great day at the show... I love Birthday's it is great to have a special day!!! ENJOY! When ya stop having birthdays your dead he he he so it is better to enjoy even if we are getting older I say.

Love CM

michelle said...

Hope the show was fun. Make sure you enjoy your bday and plan around it so the night can be enjoyed guilt free.

Kate said...

Hope you had a lovely weekend!

philippa_moore said...

Hi Leighanne

Sorry I haven't checked in for a while! How did the show go?

I'm sure you'll celebrate your birthday in style - enjoy it and have fun! Looking forward to hearing all about it.

Have a great week, will check in again soon

Chris Powell said...

hey, your an october birthday to. Does that mean your a libran. Librans are awesome, theyre the best looking and love to party, hehehe. Congrats on the loss to, that was awesome news, wish i could say the same but ive stacked it on since coming to japan.

Anyway, it was good to read about what you have been up to, havent stopped by in a while so there was lots to read. Ill stop by again soon.


Kt said...

what a fantastic loss this wk, well done :)

Nancy Bou said...

A belated congratulations on your massive weight loss!

Have a fun day at the show


Margaret said...

You have some events coming up but you know about them and you can plan, plan, plan to succeed through them. You will have a great time whatever you eat or drink. You are doing so well leighanne, keep going :)